Sunday, January 29, 2006

Price meeting time changed and updates

The meeting with Representative Price Monday about impeaching Bush and the War was moved from 3:30 to1:30 pm because of a change in Price's schedule. Itwill be at the Chapel Hill office off Weaver Dairy Road in northern Chapel Hill.

We were planning to meet outside before hand, but now there will be a meeting at 11:45am at Weaver Street Market in downtown Carrboro. The meeting will be to plan our presentation and to form a steering committee for post-meeting organizing. We coud still meet outside before hand and I will try to be early in case people don't see this update.

One estimate I heard of the number of people at the impeachment town meeting in Carrboro last Friday was 140, overflowing the 70-75 person room we used. I think Raleigh News & Observer wrote about it Friday and it was in the Chapel Hill Herald. Community radio was there. Price's Chapel Hill office director and District Director Rose Auman were there (and saw the strong support for running a candidate opposing Price on impeachment and the Iraq War). Lots of signatures were collected on a petition for support of Rep. John Conyers' Resolutions, but I didn't circulate our petition much. There will be another meeting Saturday, February 28th at the Chapel Hill Town Hall.

Anyone else have comments about the meeting?

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