Friday, October 07, 2005

October update

The strategy meeting for the petition presentation to Price will be the evening of October 27th at Durham's Main Library downtown. Hopefully we can meet with Price in early November. I was planning to request a Monday meeting in Chapel Hill or maybe Durham, if possible.

The petition is online at

Since Barbara Lee's Resolution failed, I removed that from the new, third version of the petition and added support for a campaign by They want the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to finish Phase II of its report on pre-War intelligence inaccuracy. Phase I identified what was wrong and Phase II was supposed to examine how the misleading information was used. This relates to the Downing Street memo that says that intelligence was being "fixed" for war and it will highlight how the Bush administration mislead the public and Congress.

I collected two or three pages of signatures on the two Durham buses to the huge September 24th anti-war demonstration in Washington. They were to be circulated on Chapel Hill's three buses also, but unfortunately the person in charge was rushed and forgot about it.

Should we petition at Durham's Centerfest this weekend?

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