Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Four impeachment events this week

There are four opportunities to push for impeaching Bush and Cheney this week. The Grass Roots Impeachment Movement's third town meeting on impeachment was tonight in Hillsborough (sorry about the late notice). A debate between Price and pro-impeachment Democratic challenger Kent Kanoy (his campaign site is www.kanoy4congress.org) or a town meeting is being organized in Fearrington in Chatham County and we are organizing a first Durham town meeting.

TUE 3/21. NOW Is the Time To Talk Impeachment.

Orange County Courthouse, 106 E Margaret Ln, Hillsborough Public Discussion. Kay Kelley Mersereau, MC, Civil Rights Attorney Al McSurely, Michelle A. Laws - Chapel Hill Native, retired IBM’er Richard O. Houpana, ,Music by the Raging Grannies, & John Heuer…Sponsored by: Orange County Peace Coalition (OCPC) Questions/comments- Wes Hare, co-chair OCPC (929-3316, jhhare at earthlink dot net) or michael_pollock at yahoo dot com.

Price is holding two town meetings this week to hear from his constituents. The Cary meeting was this evening (but I might be wrong about the date) 7-8:30pm at the Cary Town Hall and the other is on the 23rd, at the same time, at Durham's Southern High School. More information is probably on Price's website.

Also, don't forget to sport something orange on Fridays for impeachment (a new campaign is starting up, see orangetoimpeach.blogspot.com for more information)!

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