Thursday, January 22, 2009

Impeachment petition closed, but not forgotten

The PetitionOnline petition to David Price was just closed to new signatures.  Thanks to the signers and all of the impeachment activists.  All of the online and paper signatures, several hundred in all, got to Price or his staff.  Price was not moved much, but it was a useful educational campaign and North Carolina did its part to push for impeachment proceedings. 
Bush, Cheney, and most of their appointees are now out of office, but at least some of them now have to fear prosecution in coming years for their actions.  I expect that the members of Congress, such as Price, who refused to act on good evidence of crimes in the Executive Branch will eventually be brought to account, because their lack of concern for the Consitution and our rights is not limited to just the past 8 years.  The impeachment movement would be unwise and hypocritical if it lets Obama get away with continuing criminal Bush-Cheney policies (which should probably now be called Bush-Cheney-Reid-Pelosi policies), and I will write more about that in a future post.   

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