Friday, February 17, 2006

Meeting Saturday and a second meeting with Price is Tuesday afternoon

The impeachment campaign strategy meeting is thisSaturday (February 18th) at 3:30 at Durham's SouthwestLibrary (3605 Shannon Rd., off MLK Parkway near theold South Square, which is on University Dr.). Themeeting room is at the entrance to the Library, on theright.

Al McSurely's suggested agenda below basically seemsgood for that meeting. We could also discuss a draftresolution for groups to sign (and one is probablygoing to be circulated in Orange County tonight).

Also, Rep. Price invited us to meet with him nextTuesday at his office in Chapel Hill, 3:30-4:15pm, onhis work around the NSA warrantless domesticsurveillance, and that is set up.

Proposed Agenda:

1. Report on meeting in Carrboro, meeting in ChapelHill on the 28th,meeting with Price, and outreach in Durham. (15mins.)
2. Selecting Steering Committee for GRIM, includingwho can deal withmedia. Possibly a one-page informational flier aboutGRIM, how toContact us, and a local Website?. (15 mins.)
3. Next Steps? 30 mins.
a. Any Democratic Primary candidates?
b. Follow-up with Price, possible actions, etc.
c. Outreach to Republicans?
d. Constitutional Lawyers organized with anad in, say,Independent?
e. Letter from GRIM to local politicians,asking them theirposition on Impeachment?
f. Mass Meeting in Durham? In Raleigh? InNorthernChatham? In Hillsborough?
4. Adjournment 4:45 p.m.

Email from District Director Rose Auman:

As he discussed with you in the January 30th meeting,Rep. Price returned to DC in early February to determine with his colleagues the most effective wayto address his and the nation\'s serious concerns aboutthe President\'s authorization of NSA wiretapping of UScitizens without approval from the FISA Court.

He asked that I e-mail those who left their contactinformation to let you know that he and several otherDemocrats in the House will be sending a letter to theAdministration requesting the appointment of a specialcounsel to investigate the charges that thewiretapping program was in violation of the law andthe Constitution.

He will be in the Chapel Hill office on Tuesdayafternoon, February 21, and could meet with you totalk more about this if you\'d like: 3:15-4:00 p.m.would be good. Just let me know. Thanks.

Rose Auman
District Director
U. S. Rep. David Price
5400 Trinity Road, Suite 205
Raleigh, NC 27607

(919)859-5999 (voice)
(919)859-5998 (fax)
Website: may sign up for Rep. Price\'s e-mail updates at

Our work for peace must begin within the private worldof each of us . . .
Dag Hammarskjold

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