Raleigh town meeting
The Raleigh town meeting was earlier tonight, 7-9pm. I arrived near the end and counted about 48 people. Ajamu Dillahunt had to cancel, so the speakers were Al McSurely and Stan Goff. A former NC (?) Secretary of Labor and a candidate for the State Supreme Court came also. It was probably mostly an older crowd, but there were also young people. The group was mostly or all white though, which I assume doesn't reflect the racial makeup of Raleigh. This time we got a video recording of the event, and I think the filmers want to put it on Orange County's cable access channel, The Peoples Channel. GRIM, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC), Stan, and the Green Party tabled. The September 30th impeachment rally in Charlotte (1-6pm in Freedom Park) is being organized by the Action Center for Justice, Charlotte Coalition for Peace & Justice, Charlotte CodePink, Charlotte NOW, Freedom Group, and the NC Green Party. It will feature speakers Nadia McCaffery, David Swanson, Ann Wright, Jacek Teller, Tim Pluta, and Bill Grass, along with performers the Bellyfull, Hardcore Lounge, Peter Moore, and Michael Sharpe. I heard that there was a regional impeachment meet-up yesterday in Winston-Salem, so maybe the Winston-Salem meeting isn't July 26th. July 18th at 7pm at the Durham Main Library there will be a presentation about the reasons to doubt the truthfulness of the official account of 9/11. GRIM should have a regular meeting coming up in early July, but it doesn't look like anything has been set up. We need to organize and advertise regular meetings to build the group I think.
July 19th day of action
After the meeting I spoke with Andy Silver and he suggested that we organize a local event for the July 19th day of action on impeachment (see www.articlesofimpeachment.net/). So far there are two events announced in this State, in Charlotte and Stokesdale. I could easily reserve a space in Durham or elsewhere for this and help with publicity. If GRIM gets behind this we could have several events throughout the Triangle. So far we don't have any events planned for July and another event in Durham would be good for building the impeachment movement here. I assume we will have more town meetings in the fall, especially to reach students. As Al said at the Raleigh meeting, we will continue to organize and have meetings regardless of what happens in the midterm elections (one point of discussion was whether the Democrats will gain seats in Congress and whether there will be electoral fraud by Republicans like in the apparently stolen elections of 2000 and 2004).
July 4th flyering campaign
Below is a draft flyer for July 4th impeachment publicity. Comments? This is a Durham-specific flyer and will need to be chaged now that the Raleigh meeting has passed. Since the upcoming events are all out of this area, having some local July 19th events would be a good way to further emphasize that this is a local movement. Andy suggested that we need to work more on Etheridge. I focus on Price since I live in his distrcit, but it would be great if my petition and other materials were adapted to lobby other Congress members (or local officials like the Durham City Council). If you want the Word version of this, email me at southplumb at gmail dot com.
Impeach Bush and Cheney!
Their crimes:
- Violation of Americans' civil rights.
- Warrantless wiretapping and surveillance.
- Misleading Congress and the public to justify the occupation of Iraq.
- Authorizing war crimes and torture in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
- Undermining Congressional and court oversight.
What can regular citizens do?
- Attend the Raleigh town meeting on impeachment June 29th, 7-9pm at 3313 Wade Avenue, the Charlotte teach-in July 19th, the regional meeting in Winston-Salem July 28th, or the regional rally in Charlotte September 30 th.
- Sign the petition to Rep. Price (online at www.petitiononline.com/dsmnc/petition.html and at the Durham Food Co-op, Internationalist Books, and The People's Channel) and write to Price to support House Resolution 635 (online at thomas.loc.gov).
- Ask the Durham City Council, County Commissioners, and State Legislature to pass impeachment resolutions (contact info. at www.lwvodc.org/Contents.html).
- Ask civic groups you belong to to pass resolutions.
- Advocate impeachment in letters to newspapers.
- Wear orange on Fridays (campaign blog: orangetoimpeach.blogspot.com).
For more information about the non-partisan effort in the Triangle see:
www.grassrootsimpeachment.com , www.impeachbushcheney.net, and downingstreetactionnc.blogspot.com
Mark July 4th by joining the movement to reclaim our democracy!