Apparently the room fees have been changed again. According to an article on the front of the Herald-Sun Metro section Wednesday, the fees are now $25 dollars for non-profit use of larger meeting rooms (but $50 for the Main Library's Auditorium), and double that for for-profit use. I think the rooms covered are the same as what was in the original press release I posted, and there will be free rooms at the Main, East, North, Parkwood, and Stanford L Warren libraries (but not at Southwest). Refreshments are prohibited in the free rooms now. As I said before, I think the County Commissioners need to explain why this is being done and the aim should be to make services as cheap or free as possible for the public. It is an improvement for some relatively large rooms to remain free for use, and the reduced fee is also better. I am posting this on both of my blogs because it is relevant for people in Durham and it affects the impeachment movement in Durham, which meets at a library.
On a different note, I blogged about the new State amphibian a while back (on Durham Spark), and the NC Herpetological Society now has an online poll soliciting opinions on the State frog and salamander, at
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